
Scientific Writing in Health and Medicine supports the use of the CARE guidelines for writing case reports. The CARE guidelines, developed by an international group of experts, were designed to increase the accuracy, transparency, and usefulness of case reports. SWIHM teaches case report writing following the CARE guidelines and is dedicated to making your case report writing process easier and more efficient. SWIHM offers a variety of resources to serve in this endeavor:

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SWIHM’s CARE Package – in this FREE case report writing resource bundle, you will find:

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  • the CARE checklist in multiple languages;

  • an outline for writing case reports based on the CARE guidelines in multiple languages;

  • instructions for creating your case report timeline using Microsoft Word; and

  • timeline examples from published case reports.

To access the CARE Package, enter your name and email address in the pop-up form on the bottom right of the page. 

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SWIHM’s free introductory video “Why write case reports?” is available on the courses page, along with an overview of SWIHM’s online case report writing course.

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SWIHM provides CARE-writer, an online app that helps you organize and format your case report for presentation and publication. Complimentary access to CARE-writer is included with SWIHM’s complete case report writing course.

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SWIHM has compiled a list of important and helpful publications regarding CARE, case reports, and health research reporting guidelines.

Learn more about SWIHM here